Home Forums Ababaka Discussions for Unity and Peace Ebyeddiini / Religion TIPS FOR REMEMBERING TO ENJOY CHRISTMAS

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      1. Whatever you do, do not ignore Christmas. That would be like ignoring the rest of the world around you. Moreover, the world is never as noisy about anything as it is about Christmas. Ignoring Christmas can make one both irritated and lonely. The good thing is, the Christmas story has something for everyone. However, you have to remember the whole of it to find something for you. Therefore, I enclose it. As always enjoyment is in the details.

      a. The oppressed – Romans captured Jerusalem in 66 BCE and during the birth of Christ Israel was under occupation.
      b. The childless.- Anna mother of Mary is said to have been barren as was her sister Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist.
      c. Group work – Look at this cast of good people coming together to make such an impressive history
      d. Ridiculed – Joachim was ridiculed in the temple as worthless for being childless.

      2. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by all the commercial bluhaha. Keep Christ the centre of Christmas -Go to church.
      3. Count your blessings – you have your people around, you have your health? Start from there. This is not going to last for ever. Enjoy it while it lasts. You can use the opportunity to tell the people you love how you feel about them.
      4. Assess your expectations – Christmas is a day like any other, dedicated to an important event in the story of humanity. Do not expect some one else, to embed the glory of this event into you, you have to do it yourself. In other words, WEJAGATTE!

      The joy has to begin in the spirit, the gifts and all the rest are just expressions of what you feel inside, whether you have company or all alone.

      Christmas activities that will best compliment the feeling in your spirit.
      1. Buy yourself some gifts that you will open on Christmas day.
      2. Decorate lavishly, from you living room, main door, wallpaper on your laptop and your phone so you get hit with a little festive spirit everywhere you look.
      3. Play Christmas music – spiced with love songs.
      4. Write cards, call, send SMS to as many people as you can to wish them a merry Christmas.
      5. Plan a great Christmas meal.
      6. Do something to make Christmas special for someone else
      7. Get your favourite DVD of all time to watch
      8. If there is a nice theatrical play or party, go have fun.
      9. Invite friends you enjoy to come in the afternoon, for chitchat.
      10. Take pictures so you can enjoy everything all over again after it is over.


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